30 years Retrospect and Prospect |
Authors: Guangyao Meng,Chusheng Chen,Wei Liu,Xinqin Liu and Dingkun Peng |
Units: USTC Lab. for Materials Chemistry and Membrane Technology Key Lab. of Energy Conversion Materials, Academia Sinica, |
KeyWords: Ceramic membrane,Membrane technology,Water treatment,New energy |
ClassificationCode:TQ028.8 TQ174 |
year,volume(issue):pagination: 2011,31(3):86-95 |
Abstract: |
On the 30th anniversary of the Journal “Membrane Science and Technology”, it has also been about 30 years since ceramic membrane separation technology was employed for the civil purpose though it had served for long time in the concentration and separation of nuclear bomb fuels. This article would briefly recall its historical development; introduce the present status and prospect for the future in order to promote its key and innovative functions in the new industrial revolution. |
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AuthorIntro: |
孟广耀(1942年),男,山东省莱州人,主要研究方向:无机功能材料的固体化学与制备化学,长期从事陶瓷分离膜材料研制及其在工业与环境领域的技术应用,侧重新能源转换装置的开发。 |
Reference: |
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