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Optimization of UF module using for drink water by value engineering method
Authors: WAN Siqing,WANG Leyi,ZHANG Weizheng, ZHAO Yuexuan, WANG Xinyan
Units: Shandong Zhaojin Motian Co., LTD. ,Zhaoyuan 265400, China
KeyWords: Value Engineering; UF module; drink water
year,volume(issue):pagination: 2014,34(1):87-90

The functions of major parts of original UF module except membrane fiber have been analyzed by value engineering. The analysis revealed that the value coefficients of the parts of body, end enclosure and sealant were larger than one, so that these parts should be increased investment. Whereas the value coefficients of shell and stainless steel hoop were less than one, so they should be decreased investment. To solve the problems encountered by original UF module using for drink water during operation, the module revision was made based on the value analysis and the modified module was used for pilot application. The satisfactory result proved the value engineering a highly competent method.


万思青(1982- ),山东青岛人,主要研究超滤膜组件的研究和制备

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