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Effect on structures and morphology of PVDF membrane prepared by thermal induced phase separation method with different coagulation baths
Authors: WANG Xudong1,ZHANG Kai1,WANG Lei1,HUANG Danxi1,LV Yongtao1,MENG Xiaorong2,FU Xiaokang1
Units: 1.School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering,Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology,Xi’an 710055,China;
KeyWords: polyvinylidene fluoride;mixed diluent;TIPS method; NIPS method;morphology
year,volume(issue):pagination: 2015,35(5):51-57

The polyvinylidene fluoride ( PVDF) flat membrane was prepared via thermally induced phase separation method using diluent mixtures oftriethylphosphate(TEP)and diethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate(DCAC),membranes with different structures and morphology are obtained. The effects of coagulation baths on the structures and morphology of PVDF membrane were investigated with SEM,DSC,XRD and other technologies. The result shown that all membrane precipitated from different coagulation baths at low temperature of 0oC were showed granular mosaic crystal structure of the cross-section. With increasing of DMAC content in baths,the cross-section thickness of membrane increases,but the surface layer thickness of membrane decreases. The different coagulation baths strongly influenced the top surface of the membranes.With increasing of DMAC content in coagulation baths,the top surface of membrane by the density become porous.The analysis of membrane crystallization characteristics indicates that all of the membrane PVDF main crystal into alpha phase,with increasing of DMAC content in the coagulation bath,the crystallinity of membrane is decreased,andassociated with gamma phase crystal formation. In addition,by increasing the DMAC content in the coagulation bath,membrane average pore diameter and porosity increases,but the membrane strength decreases.



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