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Research on removal efficiency of benzene series in drinking water by nanofiltration membrane
ZHAO Wei-ye,LI Xing,YANG Yan-ling,ZHU Xue-wu,LIANG Heng,LI Gui-bai,XIE Bai-ming
Units: (1.College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124; School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090; Hangzhou Tianchuang Environmental Technology Co.,LTD, Hangzhou, 3111000
KeyWords: drinking water; benzene series; nanofiltrarion; rejection rate; membrane flux
year,volume(issue):pagination: 2017,37(1):114-120

 Dynamic nanofiltration experimental device was used in the research to study the removal efficiency of benzene contaminants (benzene, ethylbenzene, o-Xylene and m-Xylene) in drinking water and running characteristics of nanofiltration. The effects of operation pressure, concentrated water flow, ion concentration, water temperature, benzene series concentration and other factors were studied. The results showed that the membrane flux was improved with the increase of operation pressure and water temperature, but it was decreased with the increase of concentrated water flow and ion concentration. The rejection rate of benzene, ethylbenzene, o-Xylene and m-Xylene were decreased when the recovery rate, operation pressure, ion concentration and water temperature were increased. On the contrary, the rejection rate was improved with the increase of concentrated water flow and concentration of benzene contamination. Under all experimental conditions, the rejection rate of benzene series ranged from 86.56% to 98.85%, and the contents of ethylbenzen, o-Xylene and m-Xylene accorded with standards for drinking water quality (GB5749-2006). The benzene content of the effluent meet the GB requirement when the influent concentration lower than 0.1mg/L. Taking investment and operating costs into consideration, the most economic operating parameters were determined that recovery rate is 90%, operation pressure is 0.6MPa and concentrate flow is 30L/min.



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