Lifetime test and research of perfluorinated proton exchange membrane in fuel cell |
Authors: ZHANG Ru, ZHOU Bin, CHEN Yi |
Units: Shanghai SinoFuel Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201400,China |
KeyWords: proton exchange membrane; fuel cell; stack; lifetime |
ClassificationCode:TQ028;TM911 |
year,volume(issue):pagination: 2024,44(4):105-114 |
Abstract: |
The lifetime is one of the major bottlenecks which limiting the fuel cells' commercialization and promotion, and the lifetime of the key material proton exchange membrane is the main technical challenge. To investigate the performance and lifetime of domestic proton exchange membrane in fuel cell, the membrane electrode assembles (MEA) prepared from two types of PEMs were assembled into a stack of 20 single cells using an interpenetration assembly method, and a lifetime test of 6 000 hours was conducted under simulated vehicle operating conditions. Analyzing the change in the voltage, the cell voltage distribution and polarization curve of the fuel cell with time under different operating conditions, and measuring the performance such as the sensitivity, impedance, electrochemical active surface area (ECSA) and hydrogen crossover current density. Then characterizing the PEM using infrared temperature measurement and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) before and after the life test to further clarify the mechanism of the performance degradation of the fuel cell stack. The results indicate that after 6 000 hours of life cycle test, the polarization performance degradation rate of domestic proton exchange membrane at the rated current density point does not exceed 4%, which meets the technical requirements for commercialization of fuel cells. |
Funds: |
国家重点研发计划项目(2020YFB1505500、2020YFB1505505)。 |
AuthorIntro: |
张茹(1985-),女,山西山西临汾人,硕士研究生,研究方向为燃料电池及关键部件和材料的测试评价方法。 |
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