Preparation and separation performance of small aperture polyamide spiral ultrafiltration membrane |
Authors: CHEN Wengjie1, LI Zhonghua1, CHEN Donggen2, XU Yinong2,CHANG Na3, LIU Peng2, WANG Haitao1 |
Units: 1. School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tiangong University 2. Zhejiang Jinmo Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.,3. School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tiangong University |
KeyWords: roll-type ultrafiltration membrane; printing and dyeing wastewater; polyamide; interfacial polymerization; Na2SO4 resource utilization |
ClassificationCode:TQ051.893 |
year,volume(issue):pagination: 2024,44(5):164-171 |
Abstract: |
The separation of molecules and ions is a hot topic in the field of membrane technology. Ultrafiltration membrane technology is widely used in the field of separation of organic matter and inorganic salt, but the selective separation ability of the two is limited. It is an important demand to develop ultrafiltration membrane preparation technology that can separate small molecular organic matter and inorganic salt. In this study, a small aperture polyamide roll-type ultrafiltration membrane prepared by interfacial polymerization was proposed to effectively achieve the efficient separation of dye organic small molecules and inorganic salt ions. The small aperture polyamide roll-type ultrafiltration membrane was prepared by optimizing the synthesis conditions of polyamide film at ‘low concentration’. By optimizing the synthesis conditions of polyamide membrane, a polyamide roll-type ultrafiltration membrane with small pore size was prepared. The molecular weight cut-off of the ultrafiltration membrane was 750, the rejection rate of Congo red (CR) was 95%, the rejection rate of sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) was as low as 10%, and the highest separation degree of CR/Na2SO4 was 9.4. The interfacial polymerization method proposed in this study to prepare small-aperture polyamide roll-type ultrafiltration membrane is simple and easy to promote in industry. |
Funds: |
国家重点研发计划(2023YFC3206400);山东省重点研发计划(2022CXGC020416) |
AuthorIntro: |
陈文杰(1999-),男,山西晋城人,硕士生,研究方向为卷式超滤膜印染废水处理.*通讯作者,刘鹏,;王海涛, |
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