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Combined process of seawater desalination-sewage treatment based on polyolefin membrane
Authors: JIN Shunlong, REN Xiaofang, SUN Yajun, KUANG Wu, WANG Zhen, CAO Yang
Units: Bejing OriginWater Membrane Technology Co., Ltd.
KeyWords: forward osmosis; polyolefin; desalination of seawater; sewage
year,volume(issue):pagination: 2025,45(1):146-155

Seawater desalination and sewage treatment are important means to solve the water crisis at present. However, both technologies are facing higher operating costs. The forward osmosis (FO)- reverse osmosis (RO) coupling process based on polyolefin membrane (PE) was constructed to pre-desalinate seawater and simultaneously reduce sewage. It is found that PEFO membrane can achieve a permeation flux as high as 32 L/(m2·h), which is more than twice that of conventional membrane, depending on its thin characteristics when seawater is used as the extraction liquid and domestic sewage is used as the stock solution. In addition, the higher the flow rate or concentration of the extract, the higher the permeation flux of the membrane. Through this process, the seawater can be diluted by 1.6 times, the salinity can be reduced from 2.5% to 1.3%, and the sewage can be concentrated by 1.9 times, which greatly realizes the reduction treatment. In addition, the rejection rates of TDS,Mg2+,Ca2+,K+,Na+,SO2-4,TN,TP and COD reached 95.1%, 98.1%, 87.7%, 61.2%, 99.7%, 96.8%, 73.9%, 88.6% and 86.9%, respectively. In addition, compared with the traditional RO, the PEFO-RO process is expected to greatly reduce the investment of high-pressure pump and reduce the electricity bill by 70% every year. 



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