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Preparation of side-chain fluorine-doped poly(p
terphenypiperidine) anion exchange membranes
Authors: ZHANG Guoliang, YU Ze, ZHANG Qiugen, ZHU Aimei, LIU Qinglin
Units: The College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University
KeyWords: fuel cell; ion exchange membranes; fluorine-doped anion-exchange membranes
ClassificationCode:O632.7; TQ028
year,volume(issue):pagination: 2024,44(6):10-17

As the core component of anion exchange membrane fuel cell (AEMFC), anion-exchange membrane (AEM) has a trade-off effect between ionic conductivity and swelling, as well as insufficient mechanical properties, which hinder its commercial application. This study synthesized three types of hydrophobic side-chain fluorine-containing AEMs with the fluorine atom located at the end of the side chain of the polycation and at the ortho, meta, and para positions of the aromatic ring, respectively, to investigate the influence of the position of the fluorine group on the performance of AEM.Among them, PTF6-PTPQ2F, whose side chain fluorine atom is located in the benzene ring at the end of the polycationic side chain, had the characteristics of low swelling (7.13%, 80 ℃) and high ionic conductivity (165.79 mS/cm, 80 ℃), and could maintain high ionic conductivity retention (92.42%, 80 ℃, 2 mol/L NaOH, 1 500 h) in a harsh alkaline environment. In addition, PTF6-PTPQ2F offered advantages in terms of single-cell power density (990 mW/cm2,80 ℃) as well as durability. Compared with PTF6-PTPQ3F and PTF6-PTPQ4F, PTF6-PTPQ2F had relatively better performance. 

国家自然基金面上项目(22078272, 22278340)


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