Preparation of amino-modified ZIF-8 and polyimide mixed matrix membranes |
Authors: LI Hongfeng, ZHOU Xiang |
Units: National Environmental Protection Research Institute for Electric Power Co., Ltd. |
KeyWords: polyimide; gas separation membrane; ZIF-8; mixed matrix membrane; amino modification |
ClassificationCode:TQ028.8 |
year,volume(issue):pagination: 2024,44(6):37-44 |
Abstract: |
In this paper, the polyimide mixed matrix membrane was prepared by mixing the homemade aminated ZIF-8-NH2 particles with co-polyimide [PI, 6FDA-DAM/DABA (3∶2)] using a drop-coating method. The effects of ZIF-8-NH2 doping content on the structure and properties of MOF/PI mixed matrix membranes were investigated by studying the results of microstructure, infrared, and gas separation performance properties of the mixed matrix membranes. The results showed that the homemade ZIF-8-NH2 material had a particle size of about 70 nm and was mixed with polyimide (PI) uniformly. When the mass concentration of ZIF-8-NH2 reached 15%, the mixed matrix membrane had the best performance in separation, with a CO2 permeation coefficient of 206.91 Barrer, and its selectivity reached 66.39 while maintaining a high gas permeation flux, and the separation performance to CO2/CH4 system exceeded the Robeson 2008 upper limit. |
Funds: |
基于电吸附浓缩+高低温烟气耦合干燥脱硫废水零排放技术研究项目(HB2023Y02) |
AuthorIntro: |
李洪峰(1979-),男,黑龙江哈尔滨人,大学本科,主要研究方向为水处理、腐蚀与防护, |
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