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Membrane fouling analysis and cleaning application of
arrayed flat sheet membranes
Authors: HAO Yan1, SUN Guangdong1,2, DAI Pan1, ZHANG Yu1, LI Yan1, ZOU Haoran1, XIAO Kang3
Units: 1. Beijing Origin Water Membrane Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 101407, China; 2. Urban-Rural Water Environment Technology Research and Developments Center of China Jiaotong Group, Beijing 100029, China; 3. College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 101408, China
KeyWords: arrayed flat sheet membrane; membrane fouling; MBR; case study; rural wastewater; integrated sewage purification equipment
ClassificationCode:TQ028; X505
year,volume(issue):pagination: 2024,44(6):122-131

Membrane fouling is a common problem in membrane bioreactor (MBR). Regular cleaning of membrane cassettes is an effective method to alleviate membrane fouling in engineering applications. The arrayed flat sheet membrane, as a kind of membrane with corrugation, has the advantages of high density, high flux and being free of off-line cleaning. This article introduces the application case of arrayed flat sheet membrane in integrated MBR-based sewage purification equipment and its chemical cleaning scheme. In this case, the membrane fouling was serious, resulting in a pure water flux of only 7% of the new membrane. The amounts of Fe and Ca in the inorganic-organic composite layer on the membrane surface reached 5 384 mg/m2 and 1 400 mg/m2, respectively, and the total organic carbon content reached 548 mg/m2 (with an polysaccharide concentration of 400 mg/m2). After a restorative online cleaning using oxalic acid and sodium hypochlorite, the transmembrane pressure of the arrayed flat sheet membrane recovered from 29 kPa to 11 kPa. The equipment was then operated continuously at a flux of 25 L/(m2·h), with a monthly maintenance cleaning using 500 mg/L sodium hypochlorite solution. During the five-month monitoring period, the transmembrane pressure did not fluctuate significantly, showing good operation stability. The result indicated that organic matter played a key role in the inorganic-organic combined fouling, and the maintenance cleaning using sodium hypochlorite could effectively remove organic foulants from the arrayed flat sheet membrane, thus curbing the formation of subsequent combined fouling. 



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