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Research progress in MOF Glass membrane
Authors: SONG Hao, ZHANG Yating , JIN Hua , LI Yanshuo
Units: Ningbo University
KeyWords: metal-organic framework; amorphous; adsorption; MOF glass membrane; gas separation
year,volume(issue):pagination: 2024,44(6):132-144

Metal-organic framework (MOF) materials, as an emerging class of high-performance molecular sieve membrane materials, have regular and uniform sub-nanometer pores, which enable the separation of mixtures at the molecular level. Due to the polycrystalline nature of MOF, MOF membranes are prone to inter-crystalline defects, which reduces the separation selectivity and synthesis reproducibility, and is not conducive to scale-up production and industrial application. MOF glass materials, formed by the melt quenching of liquid-formable MOF materials, inherit the chemical connectivity and composition of the precursor MOF while retaining the permanent porosity of the MOF materials, which enables the selective  adsorption of different gases. The amorphous properties, easy processability and unique microporous structure of MOF glass materials make them excellent membrane materials for the preparation of defect-free molecular sieving membranes. This paper summarizes the melting mechanism of MOF materials, examines various types of MOF glass materials with different structures and properties. Further, this article reviews recent research progress in the design and development of MOF glass membranes for gas separation. 

国家自然科学基金项目(22178182, 22178183);宁波市科技创新2025重大专项(2022Z154);浙江省省属高校基本科研业务费(SJLZ2023004)


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