纳滤膜脱盐及其在海水软化中的应用 |
作者:张莉娜1,黄 婕1,熊丹柳1,杨俊和2 |
单位: 1华东理工大学化工学院,上海 2002372;2上海理工大学材料学院,上海 200093 |
关键词: 海水;软化;纳滤;膜分离 |
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2012,32(1):98-102 |
摘要: |
本文采用卷式纳滤膜进行了MgSO4、K2SO4、MgCl2等五种物质的脱盐性能研究,考察了进料操作压力和浓度对表观截留率和膜通量的影响,在此基础上研究了操作压力对海水脱盐性能的影响。实验表明纳滤膜性能稳定,能除去海水中90%以上的SO42-以及50%以上的Mg2+和Ca2+,大幅度降低了海水的硬度,可解决传统上海水淡化过程中易结垢离子对膜的污染问题,纳滤膜软化海水可以降低海水淡化后期处理的成本和能耗,采用纳滤膜软化海水在技术上是可行的。 |
Desalination experiments of five inorganic salt solutions(MgSO4、K2SO4、MgCl2, etc)have been carried out by roll Nanofiltration. The effects of the species and the concentration of salt as well as the operation pressure on the the apparent retention and the flux of penetrating fluid. Studies on desalination performance of artificial seawater are also introduced. Results from the studies of desalination show that nanofiltration membrane is stable during the experiment. For SO42- in seawater nanofiltration nanofiltration membrane could achieved salt retention up to 90%, and Mg2+,Ca2+ up to 50%, It could solve the problems of nanofiltration membranes pollution that existed on the traditional desalination process.Compared with distillation,nanofiltration reduce the cost of seawater desalination and energy consumption. Therefore, nanofiltration technology could be used to pretreat seawater. |
作者简介 张莉娜(1987—),女,河南濮阳人,硕士,从事膜分离技术以及海水软化方面的研究.E-mail:zhanglinnaa@163.com.* 通讯联系人:黄婕,教授。E-mail:jieh@ecust.edu.cn;杨俊和,教授,博导, E-mail:jhyang@usst.edu.cn |
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