单位: 1.天津大学化工学院化学工程研究所,天津300072;2 .化学工程联合国家重点实验室(天津大学),天津 300072;3. 天津市膜科学与海水淡化技术重点实验室,天津大学,天津 300072;4. 天津化学化工协同创新中心,天津 300072)
关键词: 膜曝气生物膜反应器;微生物膜;异向传质;功能活性层化;群落生态学
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2013,33(6):1-5

 Membrane-aerated biofilm reactor (MABR) is a novel technology for organic wastewater treatment with broad application prospects. The article reviews in a comprehensive manner the biofilm character, Methods used for describing the biofilm’s structural characterization, counter-diffusions, community ecology and physiology as well as the prospects and priorities for MABR biofilm development.

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