作者:丁国良1, 程棋波1,赵经纬1,吕振华12,俞三传2
单位: 1.杭州天创环境科技股份有限公司,浙江 杭州311121;2.浙江理工大学理学院,浙江 杭州 310018
关键词: 膜曝气生物膜反应器(MABR);PVDF中空纤维膜;脱氮除碳;生物膜;模拟生活污水
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2020,40(5):95-100

 In this study, membrane aeration bioreactor (MABR) was constructed using polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) hollow fiber membrane module and was employed to treat synthetic domestic sewage under different aeration pressure, pH, circulating flow and C/N ratio. The microorganisms of MABR were analyzed in terms of Alpha diversity, species community richness and community composition. It was found that the constructed MABR could effectively remove COD, ammonia nitrogen and total nitrogen from domestic sewage. Under the conditions of aeration pressure=0.6 bar, pH=8.0, circulating flow=90 mL/min and C/N=5.0, the constructed MABR attained its optimal efficiency, showing COD, ammonia nitrogen (NH4+-N) and total nitrogen (TN) removals of 95.4%, 79.6% and 71.8%, respectively. The results of microbial analysis revealed that the biofilm of MABR under optimum conditions possessed higher microbial community richness and diversity, and the main microbials of biofilm were Saccharimonadia and Gammaproteobacteria on Class level. The constructed MABR exhibits good performance in treatment of domestic sewage and potential value in practical application.

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