Advances in particulate fouling mechanism and CFD simulation of pressure-driven membrane processes |
Authors: QIAN Tao1, LU Dan1,2, ZHANG Yaqin1,3, YAO Zhikan1,2, ZHOU Zhijun1, ZHENG Danjun1, ZHANG Lin1,2 |
Units: 1. Engineering Research Center of Membrane and Water Treatment of MOE, College of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China; 2. Future Environment Laboratory, Innovation Center of Yangtze River Delta, Zhejiang University, Jiaxing 314000, China; 3. Zhejiang Energy R&D Institute, Hangzhou 311121, China |
KeyWords: membrane separation; particulate fouling; modeling; computational fluid dynamics |
ClassificationCode:TQ028.8 |
year,volume(issue):pagination: 2024,44(6):158-168 |
Abstract: |
In pressure-driven membrane separation processes, membrane fouling is one of the key factors affecting the performance and lifetime of the membrane. Analyzing the formation mechanism of pollutants on the membrane surface is of great significance for the development of high-performance anti-fouling membranes and for improving the stability of system operation. This article reviews the research progress in the formation mechanism of surface fouling of pressure-driven membranes, mechanistic models, and computational fluid dynamics simulations at home and abroad. It focuses on introducing the formation mechanism and influencing factors of particulate fouling and reviews the mathematical models used to explain the formation of particulate fouling. Finally, it summarizes the application of computational fluid dynamics in the simulation of particulate fouling, which provides a reference for theoretical calculation, and simulation modeling of pressure-driven membrane fouling. |
Funds: |
浙江省“尖兵计划”项目(2022C01031); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(226-2024-00060); 国家自然科学基金项目(22138010,22108241); 中国博士后科学基金项目(2023M742997) |
AuthorIntro: |
钱涛(1999-),男,浙江宁波人,硕士研究生,研究方向为纳滤膜颗粒污染机理研究 |
Reference: |
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