耐氯性能优良的磺化杂萘联苯共聚醚砜复合纳滤膜 |
作者:观姗姗1,张守海1,3,4 ,王晓丽1,刘鹏1,蹇锡高1,2,3,4 |
单位: 1.大连理工大学化工学院;2.大连理工大学高分子材料研究所;3.辽宁省高性能树脂工程技术研究中心;4.辽宁省高分子科学与工程重点实验室,大连 116024 |
关键词: TQ028.8 |
DOI号: |
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出版年,卷(期):页码: 2013,33(4):17-22 |
摘要: |
目前大部分的商业纳滤膜易被活性氯氧化降解,导致膜性能急剧下降,缩短膜的使用寿命,目前已成为制约纳滤膜应用和发展的问题之一。以耐高温和耐氧化性能较好的磺化杂萘联苯共聚醚砜为涂层材料制备了三种复合纳滤。通过考察次氯酸钠浓度,浸泡时间,次氯酸钠溶液pH值对复合纳滤膜分离性能的影响,详细研究了复合纳滤膜的耐氯性能。实验结果表明,随着次氯酸钠浓度的提高,复合膜的脱盐率逐渐降低;三种复合膜在浓度300ppm次氯酸钠溶液浸泡30天,膜性能没有显现变化,表现出良好的耐氯性能;与在次氯酸钠溶液(pH值为4、12)浸泡的复合膜相比,在次氯酸钠(pH7)溶液中浸泡的复合膜性能变化较小,SPPBES复合膜在pH值为4~12范围内具有很好的耐氯性能。 关键词:纳滤膜;耐氯;聚醚砜;杂萘联苯 |
Most commercial composite nanofiltration(NF)membranes are very sensitive to a chlorine disinfectant. The oxidative degradation takes place under active chlorine conditions. The free chlorine in feed stream can cause degradation of nanofiltration membranes and ultimately result in the decline of the membrane separation performance, which shortens the membrane life and greatly limits the further application and development of NF membranes. Sulfonated copoly (phthalazinone biphenyl ether sulfone) (SPPBES) has high thermal stability and chlorine resistance. A series of thin composite nanofiltration membranes (SPPBES-1,SPPBES-2,SPPBES-3) were prepared by coating sulfonated copoly (phthalazinone biphenyl ether sulfone) on poly (phthalazinone ether sulfone ketone) ultrafiltration support membranes. In this work, the chlorine resistance of sulfonated copoly (phthalazinone biphenyl ether sulfone) (SPPBES) composite nanofiltration membranes was discussed. The effects of chlorine exposure time, chlorine concentration and pH of NaClO on the performance of composite membranes were investigated. The rejection to the NaCl increased with the increase of chlorine concentration. These membranes displayed the long-term stability for 30 days under chlorine concentration of NaClO 300 ppm. SPPBES composite membrane showed good stability in sodium hypochlorite at pH 4-12. |
基金项目: |
作者简介: |
观姗姗(1987-),女,山东济南市人,博士生,从事纳滤膜的制备及研究。联系人, |
参考文献: |
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