作者:张伟1  刘丽华2 郑睿1 吴高明2 于萍1  罗运柏1
单位: 1 武汉大学化学与分子科学学院,武汉 430072;2 武汉钢铁(集团)公司,武汉 430083
关键词: Fenton氧化,PES膜,终端过滤,滤饼层阻力
分类号: O69
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2014,34(1):104-110

本文采用Fenton氧化预处理和微滤对焦化厂厌氧-缺氧-好氧工艺(A2O)出水进行处理,研究Fenton氧化对水质的影响,考察Fenton氧化减缓膜污染的效果。结果表明, A2O出水经Fenton氧化后, COD和矿物油的去除率均达到70%以上, UV254的去除率达到47%,浊度和悬浮固体去除率都达到80%以上。膜过滤的总阻力降低了92.1%,可有效控制膜污染。
 The process of anaerobic-Anoxic-Oxic(A2O) effluent from coking plant was pretreated by the Fenton regent and microfiltration.The effects of oxidation on the water quality and membrane fouling were investigated. The experiment results showed that the removal rate of the COD and mineral oil were above 70%, the removal rate of UV254 was 47%, and the removal rate of turbidity and suspended solids were above 80%. The resistance of membrane filtration decreased by 92.1% and the membrane fouling was controlled effectively.
Key words: Fenton oxidation, PES membrane, dead-end filtration, cake layer resistance.



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