正渗透-真空膜蒸馏耦合过程处理页岩气废水研究进展 |
作者:李春霞,陈刚,赵宝龙,王周为,李雪梅,何涛 |
单位: 中国科学院上海高等研究院,上海,201210 |
关键词: 正渗透;截留率;驱动溶液;膜材料;页岩气废水 |
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2014,34(5):96-101 |
摘要: |
页岩气的成功开采使美国在2009年超越俄罗斯成为世界天然气第一大生产国,但是页岩气开采也带来了生态影响和环境污染,特别是页岩气开采废水处理问题。页岩气废水具有盐分高、组成复杂,因此其处理和回用成为关系到页岩气开采的关键环境问题。本文介绍了本课题组利用正渗透技术处理页岩气废水处理的研究进展,对正渗透膜材料的制备、驱动液的选择和回收等关键问题进行了阐述。分别利用界面聚合法制备和浸入沉淀相分离制备正渗透膜材料用于页岩气废水处理,并与商业的HTI膜进行了比较。结果显示:界面聚合膜具有更高的通量和盐截留率。页岩气废水经絮凝沉淀和超滤等前处理后,通过FO-VMD集成技术得到可饮用的纯净水,同时对驱动液进行回收并循环利用,实现了零排放。 |
The successful drilling of shale gas has granted the United Stated the No.1 natural gas production country in 2009. Shale gas drilling on the other hand, has also drawn wider concerns on its ecological and environmental impacts, among which shale gas drilling waste water is a prominent concern because of its high salinity, complicated composition and potential hazards to the environment. Our research group has been focused on the treatment of shale gas wastewater by forward osmosi and research progress is reported herein. The membrane preparation, the selection of draw solution and its recovery were discussed in detail. Home-made thin-film composite (TFC) membranes showed higher water permeability and salt rejection than the commercial HTI membrane when used in the treatment of shale gas wastewater. Shale gas drilling wastewater was pretreated by coagulation followed by ultra-filtration and then used as feed for the FO-VMD process. The product water quality of the FO-VMD process is comparable to bottled water, which holds promise for the large scale application of such process for treatment of wastewaters of complicated compositions. |
:李春霞(1982-),女,上海人,博士后,从事膜材料制备及正渗透技术应用研究. |
参考文献: |
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