单位: 1南京工业大学膜科学技术研究所,材料化学工程国家重点实验室,江苏 南京 210009;2翃翌陶瓷膜研究院,南京翃翌陶瓷纳滤膜有限公司,江苏 南京 210009
关键词: 陶瓷膜;平均孔径;烟气脱湿;膜冷凝
分类号: TQ 174.9
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2021,41(4):102-109

 采用不同平均孔径(5、10、20、50 nm)的管式陶瓷外膜,以模拟烟气进行膜冷凝实验。考察了进气流量和进气温度对陶瓷外膜冷凝过程中水、热回收性能的影响,分析了膜平均孔径对冷凝过程中水、热回收性能的影响。结果表明:在相同工况下,陶瓷外膜冷凝过程中的水、热回收性能按照膜平均孔径的大小排序如下:5 nm < 10 nm ≈ 50 nm < 20 nm。其中,平均孔径为20 nm的管式陶瓷外膜的水、热回收性能最优,其最大过程水通量和水回收率分别为21.5 kg·m-2·h-1和66.0 %;其最大热通量和热回收率分别为47.2 MJ·m-2·h-1和41.2 %。
 The tubular outer-coated ceramic membrane with average pore size of 5,10,20 and 50 nm were used to test the performance of ceramic membrane condensers by using simulated flue gas. Effects of air flow rate,inlet gas temperature and average pore sizes of membrane on water and heat recovery performance during membrane condensation were investigated. Results showed that water and heat recovery performance of ceramic membranes followed the tendency of 5 nm <10 nm ≈ 50 nm < 20 nm. In this work, ceramic membranes with the average pore size of 20 nm exhibited the optimized water and heat recovery as follow : water flux and water recovery were 21.5 kg·m-2·h-1 and 66.0 %, respectively. Heat flux and heat recovery were 47.2 kg·m-2·h-1 and 41.2 %, respectively. 



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