单位: 苏伊士水务技术(上海)有限公司,上海,201210
关键词: 零排放; 电渗析; 双极膜电渗析
分类号: X703.1
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2021,41(4):129-137

 Zero liquid discharge has been the trend in China industrial wastewater treatment. There are two main units in zero liquid discharge process: membrane concentration and thermal evaporation/crystallization. The normal membrane concentration technologies include reverse osmosis, forward osmosis and electrodialysis. Electrodialysis and bipolar electrodialysis are promising in membrane pre-concentration for ZLD due to their special advantages: ED can achieve high concentration at ambient temperature and normal pressure; while BPED can produce related acid and caustic from waste salt solution without any chemical addition. The pilot at Zhangjiagang Industrial Park demonstrated that ED can reduce the wastewater volume effectively. The acid and caustic generated from BPED can be reuse onsite and achieve waste-to-value successfully.



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