正渗透处理印染废水的性能及回用研究 |
作者:叶静菱,王昊,陈东辉,黄满红 |
单位: 东华大学 环境科学与工程学院,纺织污染控制与减排技术重点实验室,上海201620 |
关键词: 正渗透;印染废水;膜污染;回用染色 |
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2022,42(6):144-150 |
摘要: |
采用正渗透工艺处理印染废水,探究不同膜朝向、pH、温度对膜性能及膜污染的影响,并用出水回用染色。结果表明,膜朝向为原料液朝向活性层(AL-FS)时,其通量恢复率可达94.23%;随着pH的升高,对锑、钙和镁截留率分别可以提升13.14%、3.19%和2.83 %;进料温度由25℃增加至45℃,其水通量提升了13.58%。运行结束后的正渗透膜的扫描电镜(SEM)和三维荧光光谱(EEM)结果表明膜污染主要为无机结垢及有机污染;处理后的出水回用染色,上染率与传统工艺基本一致。 |
The forward osmosis process was used to treat printing and dyeing wastewater. The effect of different membrane orientations, pH and temperature on membrane properties and membrane fouling were examined, and the effluent was reused for dyeing. The results showed that when the membrane orientation was active layer facing the feed (Al-FS), the membrane fouling was light and the flux recovery ratio reached 94.23%. With the increase of pH, the rejection efficiency of Sb、Ca and Mg increased by 13.14%、3.19% and 2.83 %. The water flux increased by 13.58% with the feed temperature increased from 25℃ to 45℃. After operation, the results of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and three-dimensional excitation emission (EEM) showed forward osmosis membrane fouling was caused by inorganic scaling and organic fouling. The effluent was used for dyeing process, and the exhaustion rate was basically the same as that of traditional process. |
叶静菱(1998-),女,江西景德镇人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:正渗透工艺及其膜污染控制研究 |
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