作者:张凯滨,罗 平,柯 威,范益群
单位: 1 南京工业大学环境科学与工程学院,南京 211816;2 南京市膜材料产业技术研究院,南京 211816
关键词: 陶瓷膜;透平油;脱水
分类号: 陶瓷膜;透平油;脱水
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2023,43(3):116-122

 水是透平油使用过程中常见且最主要的污染物质。由于透平油黏度较大且油中水分含量标准要求较高,同时膜分离技术应用于透平油乳液分离时水易堵塞膜孔,增加了油-水分离的难度。本文采用表面疏水改性陶瓷膜对含微量水分的透平油进行油-水分离,考察跨膜压差、膜面流速、油液温度和油中水分含量对陶瓷膜的渗透及截留性能的影响。结果表明,提高跨膜压差和油液温度可以显著提高透平油乳液的膜渗透通量;膜面流速增大未对膜渗透率和水分截留效果产生影响;对于不同含水率的透平油,膜渗透通量随着含水率的增加逐渐降低。在跨膜压差0.3 MPa,膜面流速1 m/s,油温50 ℃的优化条件下,100 nm疏水陶瓷膜表现出长期运行稳定性,分离所得透平油中水分含量在40 μg/g左右,远低于行业标准要求的最高含水量。
 Water is the most common and dominant contaminant in the use of turbine oil. Due to the high viscosity of turbine oil and the high standard requirement of water content in oil, it increases the difficulty of oil-water separation, while membrane separation technology is applied to turbine oil emulsion separation, water tends to block the membrane pores, reducing the efficiency of oil-water separation. The modified ceramic membrane with the hydrophobic surface was used for the oil-water separation of aqueous turbine oil. The effects of transmembrane pressure, cross-flow velocity, oil temperature, and water content on permeability and rejection performance were investigated. The results show that: increasing the transmembrane pressure and oil temperature can significantly improve the membrane permeation flux of turbine oil, the cross-flow velocity at the membrane surface did not affect the membrane permeability and water rejection performance, the membrane permeability flux decreased gradually with the higher water content of the turbine oil. The 100 nm hydrophobic ceramic membrane exhibited better permeation and retention performance and long-term operational stability at optimized conditions of 0.3 MPa transmembrane pressure difference, 1 m/s membrane cross-flow velocity, and 50℃ oil temperature. The water content of the separated turbine oil is around 40 μg/g, well below the maximum required by industry standards.


张凯滨(1999-),男,安徽省淮北市人,硕士研究生,研究方向为陶瓷膜材料及应用,E-mail:zykz061325@ 163.com

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