作者:张 全,刘 基,胡 骁,王淑璇,葛光荣,杨 建
单位: 中煤科工西安研究院(集团)有限公司,陕西 西安710054
关键词: 反渗透;纳滤;硝酸根;健康指数
分类号: X703
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2023,43(3):131-139

  The shallow aquifer groundwater in the coal mining area in the middle Yellow River is the main source of local drinking water. The taste index and health index are used to quantitatively evaluate the water quality, and it is found that there is a risk that nitrate nitrogen exceeds the national drinking water standard index in most of the shallow aquifer groundwater. The mixed process of nanofiltration(NF) concentrated water and reverse osmosis(RO) produced water is used to improve the water quality. The effects of nanofilter membrane type, pressure and recovery rate on the water quality improvement process are investigated, and the predicted produced water quality is compared with the measured produced water. The technical and economic advantages of the mixed desalination process is discussed comparing with the traditional RO/UF produced water mixed process.  The results show that the operating pressure of the nanofiltration system is negatively related to the permeability of nitrate nitrogen. The best operating condition is that NTF40 nanofiltration membrane is used, the operating pressure is 0.4MPa, and the recovery is 60%. The mixed water of nanofiltration concentrated water and reverse osmosis produced water has moderate ion concentration, and the specific gravity of cation and anion has been significantly improved. The mass concentration of nitrate nitrogen has decreased by 56.1% compared with the raw water, and the deviation from the predicted produced water quality is less than 10%. The comprehensive recovery rate of the mixed desalination process is as high as 94%, which has potential economic benefits and advantages compared with the traditional RO and ultrafiltration (UF) water production blending process.



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