单位: 1.南京工业大学 化工学院,南京 211816;2.南京工大膜应用技术研究所有限公司,南京 211800;3.陕西煤业化工集团孙家岔龙华矿业有限公司,榆林 719314
关键词: 矿井水;水处理;中水回用
分类号: TQ028; X703.1
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2024,44(4):96-104

 水资源是矿区经营发展不可或缺的重要组成部分,高效处理矿井水可以在一定程度上缓解矿区缺水等问题。本项目首次提出了井下百米陶瓷膜处理煤矿矿井水工艺,其装置设计结构紧凑,占地面积为传统工艺的1/10。对比了“混凝沉淀+砂滤+有机超滤+反渗透”工艺及“陶瓷膜+反渗透”工艺。结果显示:“陶瓷膜+反渗透”集成工艺处理矿井水的出水化学需氧量(CODCr)质量浓度为7.2 mg/L,NH3-N质量浓度为0.12 mg/L,对固体悬浮物(SS)和浊度具有100%的去除效果,陶瓷膜集成工艺在矿井水处理领域展现出了广阔的应用前景。
 Water resource is an indispensable part of mine management and development. Efficient treatment of mine water can alleviate the problems of mine water shortage to a certain extent. This project proposes the process of underground ceramic membrane treatment of coal mine water for the first time, and its device design is compact and occupies 1/10 of the traditional process. The process of "coagulation sedimentation + sand filtration + ultrafiltration + reverse osmosis" and the process of "ceramic membrane filtration + reverse osmosis" were compared. The results show that the chemical oxygen demand (CODCr) concentration and NH3-N concentration are 7.2mg /L and 0.12mg /L respectively in the treatment of mine water by the integrated process of "ceramic membrane + reverse osmosis", which has a 100% removal effect on suspended solids (SS) and turbidity. Ceramic membrane direct filtration technology has shown a broad application prospect in the field of mine water treatment.



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