双酚S型杂萘联苯共聚醚砜中空纤维膜结构和性能 |
作者:李潮, 徐培琦, 吕飞, 王旭昆, 冯会美, 李海龙, 张守海, 蹇锡高 |
单位: 大连理工大学 化工学院,辽宁省高性能树脂工程技术研究中心,辽宁省高分子科学与工程重点实验室, 大连市膜材料与膜过程重点实验室 |
关键词: 双酚S型杂萘联苯共聚醚砜; 干湿相转化法; 结构和性能 |
DOI号: 10.16159/j.cnki.issn1007-8924.2024.05.009 |
分类号: TQ326.6 |
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2024,44(5):75-81 |
摘要: |
以双酚S型杂萘联苯共聚醚砜(PPESS)为膜材料,聚乙二醇(PEG2000)为添加剂,采用干湿相转化法制备中空纤维膜,考察聚合物浓度、添加剂含量、牵伸速率、空气浴距离及芯液组成与膜结构和性能的关系.采用扫描电子显微镜观察中空纤维膜微观形貌,并对其性能进行研究.结果表明,聚合物浓度及添加剂含量的增加均会使铸膜液表观黏度呈上升趋势,中空纤维膜中海绵孔结构比例逐渐上升,水通量下降.牵伸速率及空气浴距离的增加使膜的水通量呈下降趋势,当牵伸速率为9 m/min,空气浴距离为10 cm时,膜具有较好的分离性能,水通量为106 L/(m2·h),牛血清蛋白(BSA)截留率为99.8%,对尿素的清除率为52.4%. |
The hollow fiber membrane was prepared by dry-wet phase conversion method with bisphenol S copoly(phthalazinone ether sulfone) as the membrane material and polyethylene glycol (PEG2000) as the additive. The relationship between polymer content, additive content, drafting rate, air gap distance and bore fluid composition on membrane structure and property were investigated. SEM was used to observe the microscopic morphology of hollow fiber membranes, and its properties were studied. The results showed that an increase in polymer concentration and additive content would lead to an increase in the apparent viscosity of the casting solution, a gradual increase in the proportion of sponge pores, and a decrease in water flux. The increase in take-up speed and air gap distance leads to a decreasing trend in the water flux of the membrane. When the drafting rate is 9 m/min and the air gap distance is 10 cm, the membrane has good separation performance, with a water flux of 106 L/(m2·h), a bovine serum albumin(BSA) retention rate of 99.8%, and a clearance rate of 52.4% for urea. |
基金项目: |
大连市高层次人才创新支持计划(2019RD08) |
作者简介: |
李潮(1998-),男,山东省青岛市人,硕士生,从事血液透析中空纤维膜的制备.*通讯作者,E-mail:zhangshh@dlut.edu.cn |
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