絮凝/ 陶瓷超滤组合工艺用于微污染地表水处理的中试研究
作者:王宗恒, 于滨玮, 章小同, 张连健, 光亮, 沈凡凡, 万继伟, 唐志兰, 常冬杰, 徐德刊, 周邢, 彭文博
单位: 江苏久吾高科技股份有限公司
关键词: 陶瓷超滤膜;絮凝;微污染地表水;产水通量
DOI号: 10.16159/j.cnki.issn1007-8924.2024.05.019
分类号: TQ051
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2024,44(5):156-163

 研究了以陶瓷超滤膜为核心的絮凝/超滤组合工艺用于处理微污染地表水的效果.实验结果表明,絮凝剂的投加量和原水温度都是影响体系处理能力的关键因素,其中温度与产水通量呈线性变化趋势,温度每降低1 ℃产水通量约降低2.98 L/(m2·h);跨膜压力也是影响通量的关键因素,较高的跨膜压力提升膜通量,同时也会造成周期内膜污染的快速形成.中试结果表明,絮凝/超滤组合工艺出水浊度为0.1 NTU,浊度去除率为98.8%,高锰酸盐指数去除率为14.02%,微生物指标符合生活饮用水卫生标准,该工艺在60 d连续运行中系统保持良好的工作性能,恒压0.1 MPa下平均膜产水通量达到155 L/(m2·h),实现了絮凝/超滤组合工艺在地表水处理中的应用探索.
 The effect of flocculation/ultrafiltration combined process based on ceramic ultrafiltration membrane on the treatment of micro-polluted surface water was studied. The experimental results show that both the dosage of flocculant and the temperature of raw water are the key factors affecting the treatment capacity of the system. The temperature and the flux of water production show a linear trend, that is, the flux of water production decreases about 2.98 L/(m2·h) when the temperature decreases by 1 ℃. The transmembrane pressure is also a key factor affecting the flux. Higher transmembrane pressure increases the membrane flux, but also causes the rapid formation of periodic intimal pollution. The pilot test results show that the effluent turbidity of flocculation/ultrafiltration combined process is 0.1 NTU, the turbidity removal rate is 98.8%, the permanganate index removal rate is 14.02%, and the microbial index meets the sanitary standard of drinking water. In addition, the system maintains good performance in long-term operation, and the average membrane water production flux can reach 155 L/(m2·h) at a constant pressure of 0.1 MPa. The application of the combined flocculation/ultrafiltration process in surface water treatment is realized, and the high treatment flux and water quality are guaranteed. 


王宗恒(1986-),男,山东济南人,工程师,主要研究方向为膜法水处理技术.*通讯作者,E-mail: pengwenbo@jiuwu.com

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