作者:张传玖1, 朱桂英2, 张一帆2, 江亮2, 李佳琪3, 王存民3, 李欣雨3, 宋欣译3, 张明明4, 徐欢2
单位: 1. 国能神东煤炭集团有限责任公司, 榆林 719315; 2. 中国矿业大学 材料与物理学院, 徐州 221116; 3. 中国矿业大学 安全工程学院, 徐州 221116; 4. 中国安全生产科学研究院, 北京 100012
关键词: 聚乳酸纳纤膜; 电活性; 空气过滤; 呼吸监测; PM0.3
DOI号: 10.16159/j.cnki.issn1007-8924.2025.01.006
分类号: TB333
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2025,45(1):48-57

通过同轴静电纺丝技术,成功制备了一种具有高效呼吸防护性能的环境友好型纳米纤维膜.该纳纤膜将掺入介电沸石咪唑骨架-8(ZIF-8)晶体的聚L-乳酸(PLA)溶液作为壳层,增强了其电荷储存能力,提高了界面间极化效果.另外,得益于纤维的结构设计及ZIF-8的加入,纤维表面形成的凸起结构有效缓解了高空气阻力.结果显示,当壳层溶液中ZIF-8质量分数为4%时,其表面电势和相对介电常数分别达到3.9 kV和1.64.在32 L/min的空气流量下对空气动力学直径小于0.3  μm颗粒物(PM0.3)的去除效率达到97.99%,压降仅为52.6 Pa,实现了对PM0.3的高效滤除并保持相对较低的空气阻力.此外,基于该纳纤膜的摩擦纳米发电机还能够实现呼吸监测功能.这种独特的设计为制造集呼吸防护和健康监测功能于一体的高性能空气过滤器提供了新的方向.
An environmentally friendly nanofibrous membrane (NFM) with efficient respiratory protection performance was successfully prepared by coaxial electrospinning technique. The nanofibrous membrane used the PLA solution doped with dielectric zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 (ZIF-8) crystals as the shell layer, which enhanced the charge storage capacity and improved the inter-interfacial polarization effect of the nanofiber membrane. In addition, thanks to the structural design of the fiber morphology and the addition of ZIF-8, the nano-protruding structure formed on the fiber surface effectively alleviated the air resistance. The results showed that when the mass fraction of ZIF-8 in the shell solution was 4%, its surface potential and relative dielectric constant reached 3.9 kV and 1.64, respectively. At 32 L/min air flowrate, the removal efficiency of PM0.3 reached 97.99%, with a pressure drop of only 52.6 Pa, enabling effective PM0.3 filtration while keeping low air resistance. Additionally, the triboelectric nanogenerators composed of the prepared nanofibrous membrane was also able to realize the respiratory monitoring function. The unique design provided a new direction in the manufacture of high-performance air filters that combine respiratory protection and health monitoring functions. 

中国矿业大学研究生创新计划项目(2024WLJCRCZL276, 2024WLKXJ143, 2024WLKXJ140, 2024WLJCRCZL272, 2024WLJCRCZL195); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2024-10958, 2024-10967); 江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划(SJCX24_1407, SJCX24_1403, KYCX24_2917, KYCX24_2914, KYCX24_2937); 国家重点研发计划(2023YFC3011704); 国家能源集团井工煤矿粉尘与职业病防治研究(六)煤矿粉尘防护装备研发(E210100285)


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