真空膜蒸馏技术在烟草纯露浓缩中的应用研究 |
作者:张朝1, 李艳芳1, 章存勇1, 田志豪2, 刘文龙2, 张兵3, 田振峰1, 黄兰1, 李传润2,4, 颜海洋2,4, 葛少林1 |
单位: 1. 安徽省气溶胶解析调控及生物效应重点实验室, 合肥 231200; 2. 安徽中医药大学 药学院, 合肥 230012; 3. 浙江省烟草质量监督检测站, 杭州 310001; 4. 安徽中医药大学 制药工程技术研究中心,合肥 230012 |
关键词: 真空膜蒸馏; 烟草纯露; 再造烟叶; 浓缩 |
DOI号: 10.16159/j.cnki.issn1007-8924.2025.01.013 |
分类号: TQ028.8 |
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2025,45(1):119-128 |
摘要: |
通过真空膜蒸馏技术对造纸法再造烟叶萃取液水蒸气蒸馏得到的烟草纯露进行浓缩.研究了不同操作条件对烟草纯露浓缩效果的影响,对其传质、传热进行了讨论,并对膜面污染进行表征分析.结果表明,膜材质、渗透侧真空度、进料液温度、进料液流速对渗透通量和有机物保留率均有明显影响,聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)材质的疏水疏油膜保留率更高;在70 ℃、70 kPa时渗透通量最高可达12.74 L/(m2·h);当流速为0.5 cm/s时,有机物的保留率最高可以达到94.8%.利用真空膜蒸馏技术浓缩烟草纯露具有良好的技术可靠性和经济竞争力. |
The tobacco pure dew obtained from steam distillation of the extract of reconstituted tobacco leaves was concentrated by vacuum membrane distillation. The influence of different operating conditions on the concentration of tobacco pure dew were investigated, in which the mass and heat transfer were discussed, and the surface contamination was characterized and analyzed. Results show that the membrane material, the vacuum degree on the permeating side, the temperature of the feed liquid, and the flow rate of the feed have obvious effects on the permeation flux and the retention rate, and the hydrophobic and oleophobic membrane based on PTFE has higher retention rate. The maximum permeable flux can reach 12.74 L/(m2·h) at 70 ℃ and 70 kPa, and the highest organic matter retention rate can reach 94.8% at the velocity of 0.5 cm/s. Therefore, the vacuum membrane distillation exhibits an excellent technical reliability and economic competitiveness in the concentration of tobacco pure dew. |
基金项目: |
安徽省气溶胶解析调控及生物效应重点实验室开放课题(2022302); 国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFB3805100); 安徽省高校优秀青年科研项目(2022AH030063); 安徽中医药大学人才支持计划项目重大项目(2022rcZD005) |
作者简介: |
张朝(1985-),男,河北保定人,硕士,高级工程师,主要从事烟草化学相关研究 |
参考文献: |
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