作者:李忠华1, 常娜2, 陈董根3, 谢厚鹏3, 刘鹏3, 王海涛1
单位: 1. 天津工业大学 环境科学与工程学院, 天津 300387; 2.天津工业大学 化学工程与技术学院,天津 300387; 3. 浙江津膜环境科技有限公司, 绍兴 312000
关键词: 纳滤; 分盐; 碳酸钠; 硫酸钠; 回用染布
DOI号: 10.16159/j.cnki.issn1007-8924.2025.01.014
分类号: TQ028
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2025,45(1):129-136

The existence of high salinity in printing and dyeing wastewater requires the recycling of water and inorganic salt resources. Among them, the main salt compositions are sodium carbonate and sodium sulfate. In the conventional wastewater treatment process, the recovery of sodium sulfate is highly valued, while the recovery of sodium carbonate with high economic value is neglected. In this study, based on nanofiltration technology, the separation experiment of sodium carbonate and sodium sulfate was carried out for mixed salt solution and actual printing and dyeing wastewater. The conversion of CO2-3 and HCO-3 is realized by pH adjustment, and the separation of HCO-3 and SO2-4 is realized by nanofiltration process, and then the solid salt obtained by evaporation is reused in the dyeing process. The results show that when the pH value of the solution is 8.1, the conversion rate of CO2-3 to HCO-3 is the highest, which is beneficial to nanofiltration. The small influent pressure is more conducive to the separation and recovery of  HCO-3. The effect of salt separation in the pilot test of mixed salt solution is obvious. SO2-4 is efficiently intercepted, and HCO-3 shows a negative interception state. In the salt separation test of printing and dyeing wastewater, the rejection rate of nanofiltration device to SO2-4 can reach 97.58%, the rejection rate of HCO-3 can reach-57.07%, and the separation degree can reach 220. The salt separation effect is remarkable. The obtained solid sodium carbonate and sodium sulfate were reused to dye the cloth, and the color difference of the dyed cloth was less than 1.Nanofiltration membrane technology shows feasibility in the treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater and salt resource recovery, but further optimization and in-depth exploration of process operation parameters are still needed. 

山东省重点研发计划项目(2022CXGC020416); 兵团科技计划项目(2023AB043); 浙江省重点研发计划项目(2024C03133)


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