渗透汽化有机混合物分离膜 |
作者:姜康康, 栾丽萍, 刘新磊 |
单位: 天津大学 化工学院 化学工程研究所, 天津市膜科学与海水淡化技术重点实验室,化学工程联合国家重点实验室 (天津大学) |
关键词: 渗透汽化; 膜; 分离; 有机混合物 |
DOI号: 10.16159/j.cnki.issn1007-8924.2025.01.018 |
分类号: TQ028.8 |
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2025,45(1):172-184 |
摘要: |
综述了有机混合物渗透汽化膜材料(有机膜、无机膜、有机-无机杂化膜),膜制备方法及其分离应用(极性/非极性有机物、芳香族/脂环族烃类、芳香族/脂肪族烃类、同分异构体系).分析了膜材料结构、膜制备方法以及膜性能三者之间的关系,并指出当前渗透汽化有机混合物分离膜领域面临的挑战与机遇:低缺陷无机膜分离层的制备仍有挑战,且无机膜材料亟需扩充;有机膜的造价较低且易于规模化,但易溶胀,可通过提高交联度、引入刚性单体等策略进行改善;有机-无机杂化膜比如MOF膜和混合基质膜,具有丰富的结构且制备方法多样,将显著推动渗透汽化有机混合物分离的工业进程.最后展望了渗透汽化有机混合物分离膜的未来发展趋势. |
In this paper, for organic / organic separation, the pervaporation membrane materials (organic membranes, inorganic membranes, organic-inorganic hybrid membranes), the preparation methods and separation applications (polar/non-polar organic compounds, aromatic/aliphatic hydrocarbons, aromatic/aliphatic hydrocarbons, isomerization systems) were reviewed. The relationship among membrane material structure, membrane preparation method and membrane properties was analyzed, and the challenges and opportunities in the field of pervaporation organic mixture separation membrane were pointed out. The preparation of low-defect inorganic membranes still has challenges, and inorganic membrane materials need to be expanded. The cost of organic membranes is low and they are easy to scale up. But, swelling is always observed, which can be mitigated by increasing crosslinking degree and introducing rigid monomers. Organic-inorganic hybrid membranes, such as MOF membranes and mixed matrix membranes, have a variety of structures and can be prepared by different methods, which will significantly promote the industrial process of pervaporation for organic mixture separation. Finally, the future development trend of pervaporation organic mixture separation membranes was prospected. |
基金项目: |
国家重点研发计划项目(2021YFB3801200); 内蒙古自治区揭榜挂帅项目(2022JBGS0027); 天津大学自主创新基金项目(2024XJD-0058) |
作者简介: |
姜康康(1997- ),女,河南叶县人,硕士生,主要从事BILP膜制备及其渗透汽化分离研究 |
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