作者:姜昊基, 王丁玎, 刘敬芸, 韩露, 刘闻达, 张尹, 肖泽仪, 樊森清
单位: 四川大学 化学工程学院
关键词: 木薯乙醇; 连续发酵; 渗透汽化; 产物抑制; 分级冷凝
DOI号: 10.16159/j.cnki.issn1007-8924.2024.06.011
分类号: TQ028.8; Q815
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2024,44(6):88-95

本研究构建了木薯连续发酵、渗透汽化膜分离与分级冷凝集成系统,用于生产生物乙醇.渗透汽化膜分离可有效消除产物抑制,在长达500 h的发酵时间里,单位体积发酵液总耗糖量、平均糖耗速率、乙醇产量和乙醇产率分别达到420.9 g/L、1.92 g/(L·h)、165.3 g/L和0.81 g/(L·h).发酵残液的处理量相较常规连续发酵减少47.3%.平均膜通量和分离因子分别为654.3 g/(m2·h)和8.2,膜下游渗透蒸汽乙醇质量分数达18.8 %.在整个发酵过程中,占总产量88.2%的乙醇通过渗透汽化,以高浓度乙醇溶液的形式被回收.膜下游渗透蒸汽经过分级冷凝后,二级冷凝器中的平均乙醇质量分数被进一步提高至26.5%.
In the study, an integrated system was developed for the production of bioethanol by combining cassava continuous fermentation, pervaporation membrane separation and fractional condensation. Membrane separation  can mitigate ethanol product inhibition. In  the fermentation time of 500 h, total sugar consumption per unit volume of fermentation broth, average sugar consumption rate, ethanol production and ethanol productivity were 420.9 g/L, 1.92 g/(L·h), 165.3 g/L and 0.81 g/(L· h), respectively. The fermentation waste water to be treated was reduced by 47.3% compared with conventional continuous fermentation. The average membrane flux and separation factor were 654.3 g/(m2·h) and 8.2, respectively, with an ethanol concentration of 18.8% in the permeate. During the whole fermentation process, 88.2% of the total ethanol was collected in form of high-concentration ethanol solution by pervaporation. The average ethanol concentration in the secondary condenser increased to 26.5% after the permeate vapor on the downstream of the membrane was refined by fractional condenser. 

国家重点研发计划课题(2021YFC2101204); 中央高校基本科研业务费(20822041B4013, 2023SCU12080)


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