作者:刘春波12, 徐瑞松2, 蒋薇1, 李勇1, 司晓喜1, 杨继1, 朱瑞芝1, 张凤梅1, 唐石云1, 杨明权1, 张冉2, 侯蒙杰2, 李琳2, 王同华2
单位: 1. 云南中烟工业有限责任公司, 云南省烟草化学重点实验室, 昆明 650231; 2. 大连理工大学 化工学院精细化工国家重点实验室, 大连市膜与膜过程重点实验室, 大连 116024
关键词: 聚间苯二甲酰间苯二胺; 纳滤膜; 界面聚合; 膜分离; 烟草致香组分分离浓缩
DOI号: 10.16159/j.cnki.issn1007-8924.2024.06.014
分类号: TQ028.8
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2024,44(6):115-121

以聚间苯二甲酰间苯二胺(PMIA)超滤膜为基膜,通过界面聚合反应在基膜的表面复合聚酰胺(PA)分离层,制备得到PA/PMIA复合纳滤膜,用于精细分离烟草提取物中致香组分.当哌嗪(PIP)质量分数为0.5%,均苯三甲酰氯(TMC)质量浓度为0.15 g/L,界面聚合反应时间控制在30 s时,所制备PA/PMIA复合纳滤膜的性能最佳,纯水渗透通量高达63.8 L/(m2·h),对葡萄糖的截留率为91.52%,截留分子量为180.采用此PA/PMIA复合纳滤膜对烟草提取物进行过滤分离,过滤液中烟碱和生物碱的浓度大幅降低,实现了烟草致香组分的分离浓缩.采用超滤-纳滤的二级过滤方式精细分离烟草提取物,得到致香组分的种类更多,生物碱和烟碱的浓度更高.
PA/PMIA composite nanofiltration membranes were prepared for fine separation of aromatic components in tobacco extract, in which the polyamide (PA) layer was composited on the surface of poly(m-phenylene isophthalamide) (PMIA) ultrafiltration membranes through interfacial polymerization reaction. When the concentration of piperazine (PIP) in aqueous phase was 0.5 %, the concentration of trimesoyl chloride (TMC) in oil phase was 0.15%, and the interfacial reaction time was controlled at 30s, the performance of PA/PMIA composite nanofiltration membrane prepared was optimal. It exhibited a pure water flux of up to 63.8 L/(m2·h), a glucose rejection rate of 91.52%, and a cutoff molecular weight of 180. The PA/PMIA composite nanofiltration membranes were used to filter and separate tobacco extract, and the concentration of nicotine and alkaloid in the filtrate was greatly reduced, achieving the separation and concentration of aroma components in tobacco. Additionally, the application of a two-stage filtration process combining ultrafiltration and nanofiltration allowed for a more precise separation of tobacco extracts, resulting in a greater variety of aroma components and higher concentrations of alkaloids and nicotine. 



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