作者:郝燕1, 孙广东12, 代攀1, 张瑜1, 李彦1, 邹浩然1, 肖康3
单位: 1. 北京碧水源膜科技有限公司, 北京 101407; 2. 中交集团城乡水环境技术研发中心, 北京 100029; 3. 中国科学院大学 资源与环境学院, 北京 101408
关键词: 阵列平板膜; 膜污染; MBR; 工程案例; 村镇污水; 一体化装置
DOI号: 10.16159/j.cnki.issn1007-8924.2024.06.015
分类号: TQ028; X505
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2024,44(6):122-131

膜污染是膜生物反应器(MBR)中普遍存在的问题.在工程应用中对膜组器进行定期清洗是缓解膜污染的有效方法.阵列平板膜是一种波纹状的平板膜,其主要优点有装填密度大、运行通量高和免离线清洗.本文介绍了阵列平板膜在一体化污水处理装置中的应用案例及其化学清洗方案.该案例中的膜片污染较为严重,清水通量仅为未使用膜片的7%,膜表面的无机-有机复合污染层中Fe和Ca的质量浓度分别达到5 384 mg/m2和1400 mg/m2,总有机碳质量浓度548 mg/m2(多糖质量浓度400 mg/m2).经草酸与次氯酸钠恢复性在线清洗后,跨膜压差由29 kPa恢复至11 kPa.随后,设备在25 L/(m2·h)通量条件下持续运行,每月进行1次500 mg/L次氯酸钠维护性清洗,在5个月的监测周期内,设备整体未出现明显压力波动情况,表现出较好的运行稳定性.这说明有机物对无机-有机复合污染起到关键作用,次氯酸钠的维护性清洗能有效去除阵列平板膜的有机污染物,进而遏制后续复合污染的形成. 
Membrane fouling is a common problem in membrane bioreactor (MBR). Regular cleaning of membrane cassettes is an effective method to alleviate membrane fouling in engineering applications. The arrayed flat sheet membrane, as a kind of membrane with corrugation, has the advantages of high density, high flux and being free of off-line cleaning. This article introduces the application case of arrayed flat sheet membrane in integrated MBR-based sewage purification equipment and its chemical cleaning scheme. In this case, the membrane fouling was serious, resulting in a pure water flux of only 7% of the new membrane. The amounts of Fe and Ca in the inorganic-organic composite layer on the membrane surface reached 5 384 mg/m2 and 1 400 mg/m2, respectively, and the total organic carbon content reached 548 mg/m2 (with an polysaccharide concentration of 400 mg/m2). After a restorative online cleaning using oxalic acid and sodium hypochlorite, the transmembrane pressure of the arrayed flat sheet membrane recovered from 29 kPa to 11 kPa. The equipment was then operated continuously at a flux of 25 L/(m2·h), with a monthly maintenance cleaning using 500 mg/L sodium hypochlorite solution. During the five-month monitoring period, the transmembrane pressure did not fluctuate significantly, showing good operation stability. The result indicated that organic matter played a key role in the inorganic-organic combined fouling, and the maintenance cleaning using sodium hypochlorite could effectively remove organic foulants from the arrayed flat sheet membrane, thus curbing the formation of subsequent combined fouling. 



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